

  • Changes – Sep 9, 2023
  • Custom Authority Article prompts.
    • Be in control over how you programmatically generate content
    • Watch out for the update to the Getting Started page to learn how to best utilize this new feature.
  • Memory Location is now in %appdata%/BackSEOMarketingSoftware
  • Installer installs to your programs folder (local or common, depending on if you run installer as admin)
  • Includes a font and a few themes
  • Reads Windows Fonts, no longer have to download them from online.
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Upgraded Keyword Generator to include more question phrases
  • Most popups should be centered now
  • All searches should now work when you press enter in the search bar or proxy.

This page gets updated frequently every time Back SEO has a new update. It’s relatively new, but I figured it was needed. So, here’s what we’ve added since release:

  • Changes – Aug 26, 2023:
    • Scraper and Editor:
      • Changed the algorithm for searching for keywords
      • Added Readability and relevance scores to the editor
      • New feature that allows user to change the number of results that they will get from a search (default: 10)
      • Better search algorithm, results should show up more complete
    • Website Audit:
      • Improved auditing algorithm, shouldn’t get as many errors/timeouts
    • NEW FEATURE – Fonts:
      • The font feature has been added to assist people with larger displays, or people that don’t care for the original font
  • Changes – Aug 31, 2023:
    • Fonts:
      • Fixed bug where many common characters showed up as ?s
      • Expanded on some other very common characters that weren’t originally in the fonts
    • NEW FEATURE – Writing Clients (Client Writer Feature):
      • Organize your clients with all of their information in one convenient location
      • Associate .txt files with each of your clients
      • Write prompts that you often use on each of your clients
      • Connect your OpenAI Keys so you never have to go through your Chat GPT history again!
    • Other fixes:
      • Readability works again

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