Respecting authority is something that we’ve been taught all our lives, and before we get into the topic of building authority in a local community, I want to ask you, who do you trust more to make decisions that align with your goals? Your best friend, or Warren Buffet? While having Mr. Buffet making decisions on my behalf would be awesome, I don’t trust that our goals would align nearly as well as if my best friend was making those decisions.

And that’s a pretty critical aspect of building authority locally, people tend to trust their neighbors a lot more than they trust big-wig-corporate wallabies. If you’re a local business, or you are an SEO agency acting on behalf of a local business, you should really play into the fact that you aren’t trying to please stockholders, you’re trying to gain their business and trust.

So without further ado, let’s hop into the rules, shall we?

Positive Reviews and Good Customer Service

Positive reviews and good customer service are essential for building authority in the local community. Firstly, positive reviews play a crucial role in shaping the perception of potential customers. Encouraging customers to leave reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, or social media can help establish credibility and trustworthiness. Responding to reviews, whether positive or negative, shows that the business values customer feedback and aims to provide excellent service.

Secondly, providing good customer service is vital for building authority. Going above and beyond to address customer needs and concerns demonstrates professionalism and commitment. Promptly responding to inquiries, resolving issues, and treating customers with respect can lead to positive word-of-mouth referrals and a stronger reputation within the community.

User Experience is the Most Important Factor

User experience is crucial to the success of any online business or website. It refers to the overall experience that a user has when interacting with a website, app, or product. Improving the user experience can lead to higher customer satisfaction, increased conversion rates, and improved brand reputation. To ensure a positive user experience, businesses should focus on the following key points:

>> User-friendly interface that is easy to navigate.

>> Fast-loading website or app for a seamless experience.

>> High-quality and relevant content that meets the user’s needs.

>> Mobile responsiveness to cater to the growing number of mobile users.

>> Clear and effective communication to guide users through their journey.

Quality Reviews Will Boost Your Google Business Page

>> Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews.

>> Respond to all reviews, both positive and negative.

>> Engage with customers by asking for feedback and recommendations.

>> Offer incentives for leaving reviews, such as discounts or freebies.

>> Monitor and address any fake or spam reviews promptly.

>> Regularly update and optimize your GBP listing with relevant information.

Mimic Large Brands and Their Strategy for building authority

Mimicking large brands and their marketing strategies can be an effective way to build authority in your local community. While these brands may have paid large sums for their campaigns, you can still take inspiration from their tactics and adapt them to your own budget and goals. Some key points to keep in mind include:

>> Analyze successful campaigns: See what worked for these brands and how you can apply similar strategies to your own community.

>> Identify your unique selling point: Find what sets you apart and use it as a foundation for your marketing efforts.

>> Engage with your audience: Build relationships with your community through social media, events, and personalized experiences.

>> Focus on quality content: Create valuable and shareable content that showcases your expertise and helps establish you as an authority in your field.

>> Stay consistent: Develop a consistent brand voice and message across all platforms for increased brand recognition and trust.

Big Companies Use Social Media, You Should Too (Even if You Despise them)

>> Reach a wider audience and increase brand visibility.

>> Connect and engage with your target audience on a personal level.

>> Expand your online presence and establish social proof.

>> Drive traffic to your website and generate leads.

>> Stay ahead of competitors and adapt to changing consumer behaviors.

Major Corporations Utilize Blog Posts, or at Least Add Information Frequently

Major corporations understand the importance of utilizing blog posts to build authority and engage with their local community. By consistently adding valuable information through blog posts, these companies are able to establish themselves as trusted experts in their field. They follow five key rules to effectively build their authority:

>> Develop a content strategy that aligns with their business goals.

>> Create high-quality, informative blog posts that provide value to their audience.

>> Regularly publish new blog posts to keep their community engaged and coming back for more.

>> Optimize blog posts for search engines to increase their visibility and reach.

>> Promote blog posts through various channels to maximize their impact and reach a wider audience.

These rules allow major corporations to establish their authority, drive traffic to their websites, and build strong relationships within their local community.

Domain Authority is Built on Relevancy, Use Lots of Local References

Domain Authority is a metric that measures the reputation and trustworthiness of a website, and it is important for building authority in a local community. One way to increase domain authority is by focusing on relevancy, which means creating content that is closely related to the local community and its interests.

>> Create content that is specific to the local community.

>> Use local references such as landmarks, events, and institutions.

>> Optimize your website for local search by including local keywords.

>> Foster relationships with local influencers and businesses.

>> Earn high-quality backlinks from reputable local websites.

Having Lots of Information Is Key to Building Online Authority

Having lots of information is key to building online authority. In order to establish yourself as an expert in your field and gain trust from your online community, it is crucial to provide valuable and relevant information. Here are the 5 rules to build authority online through information:

>> Consistently create high-quality content to showcase your knowledge.

>> Use a variety of formats such as blog posts, videos, podcasts, and infographics.

>> Stay updated on industry trends and share the latest information with your audience.

>> Offer practical tips and solutions to common problems in your niche.

>> Engage with your community by responding to comments and answering questions.

In-Depth Keyword Research

In-Depth Keyword Research:

>> Identify relevant industry keywords for your local community.

>> Use keyword research tools to analyze search volume and competition.

>> Create a keyword strategy to optimize your local website content.

>> Continuously monitor and adapt your keywords based on trends and performance.

>> Leverage long-tail keywords for specific local searches.

Use Content Editors or Keyword Generators, such as Back SEO Marketing Software, to Research Content

Building authority is all about having strong, relevant content. One of the best ways to prove that you are an authority, is by making sure that your website and articles are talking about the same things, and adding value, as your competition. Back before natural language processing was as powerful as it is today, people had to go out and spend hours doing keyword research before they could start building authority.

Now we have amazing tools, such as Back SEO Content Tool that do keyword research for you. By simply typing in a search term, you will get the results and keywords that the top 10 pages are using, so you can implement them, and write it better. Check out this screenshot from the app (yes, I use my own tool) to see an example of how it works.

building authority in Back SEO Content Tool
90/100 content score. Likely to rank. Time to write: 5 minutes. Time to edit: 30 minutes.

Creating Content for Local SEO Involves Adding Your Location and Surrounding Areas to Your Keywords

Creating content for local SEO involves strategically incorporating your location and the surrounding areas into your keywords to improve your search engine ranking and attract local customers.

>> Include your city or town name in your title tags and meta descriptions.

>> Use location-specific keywords throughout your website content.

>> Optimize your Google Business Page with accurate and up-to-date information.

>> Create location-specific landing pages with unique content.

>> Utilize local directories and citations to further boost your local SEO.

>> Encourage customer reviews and testimonials from local clients.

On-Page Local SEO – What You Need

On-Page Local SEO is a crucial component in building authority in a local community. Making sure that your website meets all of the requirements that Google is looking for will help immensely in your mission to building authority in your community.

Schema Markup helps search engines understand your website’s content and display relevant information to users.

Well-crafted Meta Descriptions improve click-through rates by enticing users to visit your website. Local Links are links from reputable local businesses or organizations that can boost your website’s credibility.

Integrating Google Maps on your website can improve user experience and help potential customers find your location easily.

Optimizing your website for local keywords is essential for appearing in local search results.

Schema Markup

>> Schema markup is a form of microdata that can be added to a website’s code to help search engines better understand and interpret the content.

>> It uses a specific vocabulary of tags that provide search engines with information about the type of content on the page, such as events, reviews, products, and more.

>> Implementing schema markup can improve the visibility and search engine rankings of a website, as well as enhance the overall user experience.

Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are short snippets of text that appear in search engine results underneath the title tag of a webpage. They provide a brief summary of the content on the page and help users determine if the webpage is relevant to their search query.

>> Meta descriptions should be concise and compelling, ideally between 50-160 characters.

>> They should contain relevant keywords and accurately reflect the content of the page.

>> Including a call-to-action or unique selling point can help entice users to click on the webpage.

>> Meta descriptions should be unique for each page of a website.

>> While meta descriptions may not directly impact search engine rankings, they can significantly influence the click-through rate from search engine results.

Local Links

>> Building local links is essential for strengthening your authority in a local community.

>> Collaborating with other businesses and organizations in your community can help you gain visibility and credibility.

>> Local links can be obtained through partnerships, sponsorships, guest blogging, and community involvement.

>> Leveraging local directories and local media outlets can also help you build authority.

>> Building relationships with local influencers and bloggers can lead to valuable local link opportunities.

>> Regularly monitoring and updating your local links strategy is important for long-term success.

Google Maps

Make sure that you have a Google Maps Widget on your website. This widget is literally a part of Google, it’s critical to any brand that is building authority. When you are inserting the widget into your site, double-triple check that the widget points to the same address that is on your Google Businsess Page, as well as on your website.

Off-Page Local SEO

Off-Page Local SEO is an important aspect of building authority in a local community. By updating business listings, ensuring consistent business location, and maintaining accurate name/address/phone number (NAP) information, businesses can improve their online presence and attract more customers.

Updating Business Listings

Updating business listings is crucial for maintaining accurate and up-to-date information about a business in online directories, search engines, and review sites. By regularly updating business listings, businesses can ensure that potential customers have access to correct information such as address, phone number, hours of operation, and website. This helps in building trust, improving search engine rankings, and increasing visibility.

>> Regularly review and update information on listing platforms.

>> Optimize listings with relevant keywords to enhance search visibility.

>> Add high-quality images to make the listing more attractive.

>> Encourage customers to leave reviews and respond to them promptly.

>> Monitor and maintain consistency across all online listings.

Online Directories

Online directories are a crucial tool for building authority in a local community. These directories allow businesses to list their information such as address, contact details, and website, making it easier for potential customers to find them. Additionally, online directories often provide a platform for customers to leave reviews, which can boost a business’s reputation.

Consistent Business Location

>> Establishes trust and familiarity with local customers.

>> Makes it easier for customers to find and recommend your business.

>> Builds a strong local presence and helps attract new customers.

>> Increases visibility in local search results.

>> Demonstrates stability and longevity in the community.

Name/Address/Phone Number

Name/Address/Phone Number (NAP) consistency is crucial for building authority in a local community.

>> Consistency: Maintain consistent NAP across all online platforms.

>> Accuracy: Ensure accurate NAP information to build trust.

>> Local directories: Submit NAP information to relevant local directories.

>> Google Business Page: Optimize and verify NAP on Google Business Page.

>> Reviews: Encourage customers to leave reviews with correct NAP details.

Additional Tips for Your Local SEO Strategy

Those five rules for building authority are the most important parts for creating a strong brand locally. But when it comes to creating the WINNING Local SEO Strategy, you’re going to have to do a little bit more. Here are some tips on going that extra mile:

Provide Content that is Relevant

When it comes to building authority in a local community, providing relevant content is crucial. By creating and sharing content that is tailored to the needs and interests of your target audience, you establish yourself as a valuable resource within the community.

>> Understand your audience’s needs: Conduct research and gather insights on what topics are most relevant and meaningful to your community.

>> Create valuable content: Develop high-quality content, such as blog posts, videos, or podcasts, that addresses the specific interests and challenges of your community.

>> Share through multiple channels: Utilize various platforms, such as social media, email newsletters, or local events, to distribute your content and reach a wider audience.

>> Engage and interact: Encourage conversations and interactions with your community by responding to comments, questions, and feedback on your content.

>> Stay consistent: Regularly provide fresh and updated content to maintain engagement and continue building authority in your local community.

Posting Regularly,

Posting regularly is a crucial rule for building authority in a local community. Consistently creating and sharing valuable content helps establish your expertise and credibility. It also keeps your local audience engaged and connected to your brand.

>> Consistency: Regularly post content to stay top of mind.

>> Valuable Content: Provide useful and relevant information to your audience.

>> Engage with Community: Respond to comments and interact with followers.

>> Variety: Mix up your posts with different formats (images, videos, articles).

>> Schedule: Create a content calendar and stick to a consistent posting schedule.

Posting Quality content

Posting quality content is crucial for building authority in a local community. By consistently sharing valuable and engaging content, you can establish yourself as a trusted source of information and attract a loyal following.

>> Create valuable content: Offer helpful tips, insights, or educational resources.

>> Be relevant: Ensure your content aligns with the interests and needs of your local community.

>> Use visuals: Incorporate eye-catching visuals to enhance the appeal of your content.

>> Be consistent: Regularly publish content to maintain engagement and build credibility.

>> Encourage interaction: Prompt your audience to comment, share, and engage with your posts.

Create Content Related to Your Local Business

Creating content related to your local business is a crucial step in building authority within your local community. By consistently producing high-quality content that is relevant and valuable to your target audience, you can establish yourself as a trusted expert and go-to resource. To effectively create content that resonates with your local audience, follow these five rules:

>> Understand Your Audience: Research and understand the specific needs, interests, and pain points of your local community.

>> Choose the Right Topics: Select topics that are not only relevant to your business, but also address the challenges and interests of your local audience.

>> Provide Value: Offer practical tips, advice, and insights that can benefit your audience and help them solve their problems.

>> Be Consistent: Regularly publish content to maintain a consistent online presence and keep your audience engaged.

>> Promote and Share: Actively promote and share your content across social media platforms, email newsletters, and other channels to reach a wider local audience.

Quality Social Media Posts

Quality social media posts are essential for building authority in a local community. To create impactful posts, follow the 5 rules below:

>> Be Authentic: Show your true self and let your personality shine through to connect with your audience.

>> Provide Value: Share valuable content, such as tips, insights, or industry knowledge, to establish yourself as an expert.

>> Engage with the Community: Respond to comments, ask questions, and actively participate in conversations to foster engagement.

>> Use Visuals: Incorporate eye-catching images, videos, or graphics to make your posts visually appealing and more shareable.

>> Consistency is Key: Regularly post high-quality content to keep your audience engaged and build trust over time.

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